Pay It Forward Cafe
A FREE community meal open to everyone.
Donations appreciated, but never required.
Pay it Forward Café Presents:
Layers of Love
A comforting and hearty meal of your choice ... to go!
On the menu: Beef or Vegan Lasagna
Sunday, February 16, 2025
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The HEART Kitchen | Ann's Heart
35 Hall Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Free meals are available to anyone in the community. Donations appreciated, but not necessary. Reservations preferred, but walk-ups welcome after 3:30 PM. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
Vegan option available.
Pay it Forward Café Presenta:
Capas de Amor
Una comida reconfortante y abundante a tu elección... ¡para llevar!
En el menú:
Lasaña de ternera o vegana
Domingo 16 de Febrero de 2025
Hora de recogida: de 14:00 a 16:00
The HEART Kitchen | Ann's Heart
35 Hall Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Hay comidas gratuitas disponibles para
cualquier persona de la comunidad. Se agradecen las donaciones, pero no son necesarias. Se prefieren las reservas, pero se aceptan personas sin cita previa después de las 3:30 p. m. Las reservas deben realizarse antes del miércoles 12 de febrero de 2025.
Opción vegana disponible.
Pay it Forward Café apresenta:
Camadas de Amor
Uma refeição reconfortante e farta à sua escolha... para levar!
No menu: Lasanha de Carne ou Vegana
Domingo 16 de fevereiro de 2025
Horário de retirada: 14h - 16h
The HEART Kitchen | Ann's Heart
35 Hall Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
​Refeições gratuitas estão disponíveis para qualquer pessoa da comunidade. Doações são apreciadas, mas não são necessárias. Reservas são preferidas, mas visitas guiadas são bem-vindas após as 15h30. As reservas devem ser feitas até quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2025.
Opção vegana disponível.
Pickup will occur in the parking lot the HEART Kitchen at 35 Hall Street. Please do not arrive before your selected pickup time as your meal may not be ready for you to pick-up.
If you need to change your pick-up time, please email:
Delivery is available on a limited basis for individuals facing transportation challenges or other issues that make meal pickup difficult. Currently, we are able to offer delivery to addresses in Phoenixville, Mont Clare, Spring City, East Pikeland Township, & Schuylkill Township. If you have any quetions, please email:
Make a Donation
Haz una donación
Faça Auma doação

Everyone deserves a seat at the table.
Our Pay It Forward Cafe (PIFC) series aims to provide free community meals, while offering the opportunity to give back if you are able. PIFC meals are available to anyone and everyone. If you can make a donation - great! If not - no worries.
Meals are lovingly prepared and distributed from our licensed HEART Kitchen, located at 35 Hall Street, in downtown Phoenixville.
We hope you will help us Pay It Forward and provide everyone a seat at our table.